I started writing this months ago!!
I've recently finished working as a cast co-ordinator for 400 cast in the latest T Mobile advert- 'Sing along'.
It was an amazing experience and although long hours and hard work was immense fun!!
We had several casting sessions including 2 massive open castings with about 700 people turning up to them! They all had to sing Karaoke!! The Casting Director was Tree Petts and she did a fantastic job getting these performers and extras to look confident and try to sing in tune! The 1st session was so huge, the production team decided we would need a second audition room and another casting director to take the casting. They thought I'd be good and so I jumped at the chance! What a great opportunity!
Flo Clive the main cast co-ordinator was taking everyones details and we had Stephen Sanchez on photos and Paul Jackson on camera with me and James Willis with Tree.
It was like the x factor, I wish I had got some footage of the holding area. People were warming up, some had guitars and others had brought their entire families along with them! There were some good people and some were just terrible but that added to our day to be honest! Hearing 'I will Survive' and 'We are Family' over and over made us need some light relief!
On the day of confirming 400 cast, the director Michael Gracey asked me to sing backing vocals on the karaoke track. I went off to the studios to sing and left poor Flo calling hundreds of cast members- she wasn't too pleased but I was glad I got to do it.
The shoot was a success and although the commercial wasn't spontaneous and as amazing as T Mobile dance it was still something to be proud of.
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